Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Controversy of Skin Bleaching

        Today, skin bleaching is really controversial and usually people have negative thinking about it. Some people argue about skin bleaching because when someone bleaches their skin, it means that they cannot accept themselves and insult their races. On the other hand, some people said someone who do skin bleaching, have strong reason. That is why we cannot judge them. Usually discrimination becomes the biggest reason why people do it and some people think that white people have higher status than black people. For instance, long time ago in America, black people could not have the same school with white people because white people thought that they had higher status.
In my culture, people more like having white skin, especially for female and mostly parents do not like when their children play outside at noon. Females do many ways which make their skin lighter and they are really scared if their skin darker so they will not go outside when the sun extremely shine.
In my opinion, we should grateful for something which has been given by God. HE always knows the best for us and creates us differently in unique ways. This can make this world be more colourful. I could not imagine if every people had white skin, it will be so boring. Thus, do not see the differences as something wrong but we have to see it as beautiful creation.

Omiai should not be banned

        Once, people heard about “omiai” or the other word we called it as arrange marriage, they will straightly think it is a marriage without love and many fighting inside the marriage and it will affect negative for the family especially their children. Nevertheless, survey show that divorce happen more often in love marriage. People who do arrange married usually get strong support from their parents so if they have problem, they try to solve it with their parents. Therefore, they cannot divorce easily as people who do love marriage because they have responsible not only to their spouse or children but also to their parents. Furthermore, they usually have same backgrounds which reduce fights because as we know fighting mostly comes from many differences from the spouse. Hence, even though many negative thinks about arrange married but we can see from the other side that our parents who arrange our married know the best for us so they absolutely try to find the spouse who compatible with us.

Child part 3

Child is a selfish individual as they have not matured enough to understand the reality in life. Children always assume that adults will never understand them but they do not realize they also never understand adult. For instances,  kids always blame their parents as their parents ask them to do something that they do not like such us take language course and they assume parents do not understand them. However, the fact is parents have more experiences than children, so they want the best for their children in future. To illustrate that, parents can see the picture in one big puzzle, whereas children only see some pieces of puzzle. Therefore, there are lots of misunderstandings between child and adult as they see the world in different way. Furthermore, children always think that they must get what they want without thinking about the other things. For example, we often see children cry in the middle of public place because their parents do not give what they want. From that, it shows us that children do not care whether their parents afford to give what they want or what they want is really important for them, they just think that they want and they must get it. Actually, children are more selfish than adults because they are too young and inexperienced. To sum up, as the children grow up, they will be more altruistic as they understand that they cannot always get what they want.

Child part 2

           Child is the one who has high imagination that sometimes it is hard for adults to understand it. However, parents should support their children by hearing their imagination patiently and giving understanding to them. As the result, it makes children feel more appreciated and they will have confidence to be imaginative children then it will affect their character in the future as well as they will habitually grow to be problem solver, creative thinkers, and innovators. In addition, Angelina Jolie who is the famous mom said “Children should be allowed to express themselves in whatever way they wish without anybody judging them because it is an important part of their growth”. This quotation reminds us that it is very important for children to express their imagination as it will influence their growth. Moreover, children usually have innovative and fantastic imagination which is truly unexpected by adults. In short, imagination is the important part that cannot be separated from children.

Child part 1

Child is a young human who is still innocent. In contrast with adults, it is easier for child to forgive someone. For instances, we can take a look when we were still in childhood, if we fought with our friends, few hours later we already reconciled and played together again. On the other hand, it is really hard for adults to reconcile with people who hurt them; we need long time to forgive other people’s mistake. Furthermore, as child still so young, they do not know how cruel the world outside them, so they always think positively with others. In addition, children have sincerity heart which is already rarely to be found in this world. They help and love others without any intention, whereas most adults usually do favor as they hope they will get praise and honor from others. In brief, child is so naïve who has pure heart to love people around them without any suspicion.


            Setiap manusia yang ada di dunia harus dapat atau bisa beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan bukan lingkungan yang harus beradaptasi dengan manusia tersebut. Bila manusia tidak dapat beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya, maka ia lambat laun akan punah. Dan bila manusia ingin melanjutkan hidupnya maka, ia harus merubah cara – caranya.

Pantas dan Tidak Pantas

Setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan dan setiap yang bernapas pasti suatu hari nanti akan mati. Tujuan manusia hidup didunia pada akhirnya adalah surga dan neraka.  Tidak ada satu pun manusia di bumi yang berhak menggatakan atau menentukan siapa – siapa saja yang akan masuk surga atau neraka. Manusia hanya harus menjalankan perintah-Nya dan ajaran-Nya dan bukan untuk menghakimi manusia yang lain. Hanya Tuhan lah yang bisa dan berhak untuk menentukan seseorang tersebut masuk neraka atau sorga. Secara teori ajaran-Nya atau perintah-Nya adalah sangat mudah. Kita hanya diminta taat, namun pada prakteknya tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Mengapa ini bisa terjadi ?. Hal ini terjadi karena kita adalah manusia yang tidak luput dari dosa dan iblis selalu mencari sela untuk dapat menjatuhkan kita ke neraka.
Jadi yang harus kita lakukan adalah berdoa kepada Tuhan dan memohon ampunan serta serahkanlah segala kekurangan kita sebagai manusia kepada Tuhan. Dan biarkan rencana Tuhan yang terjadi dalam hidup kita.

Menderita di Negeri Sendiri

Indonesia adalah negara yang besar dan memiliki banyak keragaman suku bangsa ataupun flora dan faunanya. Dan setiap manusia yang berada dimanapun pasti mengetahui bahwa negara Indonesia terletak di kawasan khatulistiwa. Hal inilah yang membuat Indonesia hanya mempunyai 2 musim dalam setahun yaitu : musim kemarau dan musim panas. Mungkin diantara kita semua sudah cukup asing dengan istilah atau kata -  kata ‘ Indonesia adalah negeri yang kaya’. Hal ini sudah terbukti dari suku bangsa, flora, fauna dan kekayaan alam yang berupa : Emas, Gas, Minyak dan lain – lain. Akan tetapi mengapa di negeri yang kaya seperti Indonesia ini, masih banyak diantara rakyatnya yang hidup atau kehidupannya sangatlah menderita atau digaris kemiskinnan.
Jakarta 09.04.2011, saya mewawancarai salah seorang masyarakat yang hidup diwilayah ibu kota Jakarta yang bernama bapak Yusuf. Bapak Yusuf ini telah menikah dan mempunyai 3 orang anak (1 perempuan dan 2 Laki – laki). Pak Yusuf bekerja sebagai penjual Bakso keliling. Dengan penghasillan dari berjualannya, pak Yusuf mendapatkan penghasilan kurang lebih Rp.400.000 perhari (kotor). Ia mempunyai cita – cita untuk dapat mensekolahkan ketiga buah hatinya tersebut. Akan tetapi di tengah kondisi ekonomi yang semakin mencekik seperti sekarang ini, bapak Yusuf harus menggubur cita – cita yang indah itu. Bayangkan saja biaya yang harus pak Yusuf keluarkan setiap harinya sebesar Rp 300.000 dan itu belum termasuk biaya listrik setiap bulannya + biaya keperluaan yang tidak terduga. Bagi keluarga pak Yusuf bisa makan dan sehat selalu saja, mereka sudah sangat bersyukur sekali kepada Tuhan. Ini adalah sebagian dari kisah yang memilukan yang ada di Indonesia. Namun entah mengapa pemerintah seolah menutup mata dan tidak perduli dengan nasib rakyatnya.Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi di negeri yang kaya seperti Indonesia? Apakah Indonesia masih pantas disebut sebagai negeri yang kaya ? . Ada apa dengan Indonesia ku?.

Harapan dan Tokoh

Setiap manusia yang berada di dunia pasti mempunyai harapan dan cita – cita. Cita – cita adalah sebuah impian yang diharapkan akan terjadi disuatu hari atau massa yang akan mendatang. Cita – cita dapat menjadi kenyataan bila kita percaya (berdoa) dan melakukan sesuatu untuk dapat menggapainya. Didalam cita – cita terdapat sisi positif dan negatifnya. Banyak manusia yang dibuat terawa dan bahagia karena cita – cita tetapi, tak sedikit pula manusia yang menangis dan bersedih karena cita – cita. Ketika cita – cita yang kita inginkan dapat menjadi kenyataan, kita akan tertawa dan bahagia. Namun sebaliknya ketika cita – cita tidak berpihak kepada kita maka kita pun akan dibuatnya menangis dan bahkan dapat melakukan hal yang diluar batas kewajaran.
Seperti halnya kita yang sudah mengetahui dampak negative yang bisa ditimbulkan oleh cita – cita, namun kita tidak berhenti untuk selalu bermimpi meraih cita –cita yang kita inginkan.Saya mempunyai cita – cita menjadi manusia yang biasa – biasa saja tetapi, tidak kekurangan atau berlebihan dalam segi apapun dan dunia selalu bahagia. Mungkin bagi sebagian orang berpendapat bahwa ini bukanlah cita – cita, namun bagi saya ini merupakan cita – cita yang paling indah. Dan tokok yang menjadi inspirasi saya selama ini tidak bukan dan tidak lain adalah ayah saya sendiri.